A risk based methodology for public fire services


This risk analysis is a first step in the preparation for a multi-year strategic plan to define resource requirements (equipment, people, organization and structure) to adequately prepare and equip for all identified large-scale incidents that could potentially occur within each zone.

The defined methodology and approach are based on industry standards and will allow each zone to define and objectively quantify requirements, depending on the potential risks within that emergency rescue zone.


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Using the same methodology across all emergency rescue zones will bring transparency and unity in the approach, while supporting a standard model to support the strategy and long-term investment requirements for each zone.  This to validate the adequate preparedness for all defined potential risks in each emergency rescue zone and flag discrepancies for decision taking.

The model also caters for location support and standardization of the minimum intervention time requirements for each identified risk, creating insight where resources need to be located, and supporting decision making in building an effective and efficient intervention model for each emergency rescue zone.

A punctual list of risk types has been used to create the model, like for example a tank fire, a road or transport incident, hazard goods storage, etc., but the methodology is generic and can be applied to all potential risks in the future. 

 fpc risk content articled mitigation